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Digitalisering op het werk en AI

Can AI track the issues with mental health of employees at workplace, help people maintaining a great balance between work life and personal life and therefore boosting the output.

Als je al een idee hebt om je vraag op te lossen met de hulp van AI, beschrijf je idee dan kort.

Whenever we face any physical problems we visit doctors to figure out solutions. However when we face any mental health issues we are often too shy to consult a doctor and often mismanage the issue. Negligence towards our mental health is creating a big adverse impact on your health and daily activities and often we are not aware of this. For employees, having a negative impact on work output at workplaces are common who are facing even slightest mental health issues thus affecting the overall workflow of an organization. Mental health issues can come from any sources for eg. family problems, financial issues, sexual harassments, racial abuse etc. To mitigate the risk of poor mental health and bring balance in work-personal life I believe AI can step in efficiently.   AI can have two fold approach in solving this problem viz. 1) Dealing with the personal life outside workplaces and 2) Understand the performance of the employee at workplace.   For (1) depending upon the person's choice AI based app can study whether the person is doing with in his personal space as well as with the family and friends. It monitors the activities of the person and send feedback to the person in case it finds something unusual. The AI can help the person to improve his/her family life by tracking, planning (through optimization) and suggesting activities.   For (2) AI helps us to build a smart workplace. Tools like chatbot can interact with the employee to track their status of their mental health during workhours. RPA with AI can track the movement and gestures of the employee to understand the overall work culture inside the workplace. If something unusual is detected various layers of AI can detect the severity of the issue and inform both the employee and the management about any possible mental health issues which then can be solved in an efficient manner with timely intervention from all parties.  This is how we can mitigate health risks inside workplaces and create the workplace ideal for all employees. 

AI leert uit het verwerken van gegevens (data). Welke gegevens zijn er nodig voor jouw idee?

Motion recognition and tracking data, gesture recognition data, knowledge graph data on daily activities, workflow optimization data, some NLP data (though pretrained models can be used)

Welke technologieën zijn er nodig bij de uitvoering van jouw idee?

Beeldherkenning, Geluidsherkenning, Taal begrijpen, Automatisch aansturen

Wat zijn voor jou risico's en gevoeligheden waar we op moeten letten bij dit idee?

With any AI based application there comes the issue of ethics, privacy, fairness. In order to collect data from citizen we must make sure that the data are lawfully collected and ethical issues have been followed properly. Moreover we should keep the privacy issue and fairness of algorithm in mind while designing the AI pipeline for this project.