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Mobiliteit en AI

Smart mobility and greener environment: can AI help with finding the best route? 

Als je al een idee hebt om je vraag op te lossen met de hulp van AI, beschrijf je idee dan kort.

Let's consider 3 scenarios: 1. You are planning to go to a place Y from place X in time T. Can AI help you to choose the best possible route containing more greener mobility options (less carbon footprint) before your journey? 2. A delivery company C is operating W numbers of automatic vehicles and X number of conventional (non-electric) vehicles. It suddenly receives an order and has to deliver it in time T (so uncertainly is present in workflow). Can AI help the company C to choose the best possible route and combination of vehicle en route to the place which is more greener? 3. Consider scenario 1 without time constraints (i.e. suppose you're traveling for leisure). Can AI help you to choose more greener route along with mobility?

We'll use AI based optimization tools as well as reinforcement learning for solving the smart mobility issue discussed in the question. For optimal greener route selection we need different AI tools merged together to solve the optimization problem! 

AI leert uit het verwerken van gegevens (data). Welke gegevens zijn er nodig voor jouw idee?

Data collected from volunteer citizens. Mobility data. Autonomous vehicle movements data.

Welke technologieën zijn er nodig bij de uitvoering van jouw idee?

Beeldherkenning, Taal begrijpen, Automatisch aansturen

Wat zijn voor jou risico's en gevoeligheden waar we op moeten letten bij dit idee?

Ethical issues and fairness of algorithm. Privacy of the involving citizen volunteers.