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Hulp bij saaie of moeilijke taken

Old generation isn't good at interacting with technologies

Wat is jouw AI-idee om het probleem of uitdaging op te lossen?

Example: Smart Classes Reason: Professors aren't good at interacting with technologies to conduct hybrid classes. Special AI technology can assist in setting up things by a Professor only use a cable to connect computer to the board or any other technology and work with classroom AI (like Siri) to get things setted for hybrid class and also can collect data of how many students participated in the class and etc.

Iedereen mee! Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat zoveel mogelijk mensen gebruik kunnen maken van deze AI-oplossing?

Give this idea to any professor, they will be very happy about it.

Wat zijn volgens jou aandachtspunten bij jouw idee?

De bescherming van persoonsgegevens - Wordt de privacy geschonden?